Shalom from Elizabeth, of Lightbeacon Ministries & Services
Below is one of the last letters (of my late husband Benjamin), who expressed his desire that Lightbeacon Ministries would be a conduit to bless Israel. It was the deep desire of Dr. Benjamin Cassutto, (who passed away in 2012), that 'Lightbeacon Ministries" could be a conduit of hope for these people in Israel, and in so doing, carry on the mission and vision that his parents began (the late Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Cassutto), when they first told their story of Jesus' salvation to them, in 'The Last Jew of Rotterdam'. Just a few months before the Lord took Ben home to heaven in 2012), he was in contact with the President of a Publishing House and ministry in Israel, (Jewish-believers), who felt compelled to get the book translated into Hebrew, and published, to be given to Jewish people and ministries and survivors in Israel. (Jewish people will not have to pay for the book in Israel, they are given it as a ministry gift (a witness of the gospel).
Ben wrote this in 2012 ..."Did you know that there are over 200,000 Holocaust Survivors living in Israel? These people live at or below the poverty line, and many Jewish and Christian organizations are helping them with aid (food, clothing, care packages). Yet the great need is to hear of the truth of salvation, the gospel of Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah, who longs to bring them into an everlasting inheritance and promise." The Jewish people and survivors in Israel are given the book freely as a love-gift, and I work and pray to raise the money to send to produce it. The Lord graciously enabled me to see the book printed in Hebrew, Russian, and Dutch, and hopefully, a Spanish version. In 2014, 2015, the publisher in Israel distributed (Hebrew) copies of 'The Last Jew of Rotterdam' to the Israeli Defense Forces Army as a gift at the holidays. What a blessing. As of this writing, the publisher is almost out of copies of several languages, and wants to re-print (about 4 to 6 thousand dollars a printing in Israel) books for distribution.
Welcome to Light Beacon Ministries

Ben and Liz Cassutto of Millsboro, Delaware share a laugh with Books by the Bay proprietor John Atwood during a book signing in Lewes, DE for The Last Jew of Rotterdam, the story of Ben's parents' survival of the Holocaust. They were Dutch Jews who came to accept Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah because of the love and courage of Christians who risked their own lives to hide them from the Nazis.